giovedì 23 luglio 2009

First Post!

Hello! Ciao! Salve! So, this is my blog for my year in Italy! For those of you who don't know, I'm Suzy, and I'm going abroad with AFS for the '09-10 school year. I'm leaving home on September 9th (47 days!) and coming back sometime next July (around the 10th?).

It feels just a LITTLE awkward starting this blog, since I haven't had one since sixth grade. I mainly want to keep everyone at home updated on what's going on since I'm not going to be online much, and international phone calls are ridiculous. Also, I read about a million blogs when I was just starting to get ready, so maybe I'll help a few people out.

About two weeks ago, I got my host family information... which was pretty much the most exciting news I've ever gotten. I found out on the Metro, and I think my reaction might have gotten a few concerned eyebrow raises. I'm going to be staying with a family in Salice Salentino! It's a small town in Puglia (the "heel" of Italy), not too far from Lecce. My host parents are Angelo and Pasqualina, and I have three host siblings: Stefania, Marco and Elisabetta. Elisabetta, the youngest, is only a year older than me. I've talked to her and Stefania, the oldest, and they both seem sooo nice and amazing. At this point, I could not be happier with my placement!

I'm not leaving for another 6 or 7 weeks, so it might seem like there's not a lot to write about at this point. BUT, they say an exchange year really takes three: one to prepare, one of actual exchange, and one to readjust to your home culture. My year of preparation was cut a little short, since I only found out about AFS in February.

The past 6 months, though, have been so hectic, exciting, stressful, etc. The application process was... gahh. From getting blood taken at a shady clinic to my first real interview to summer school, I'm not sure what was most stressful. I got confused more than once (WHAT is the difference between 'previous' and 'prior'?!) but it was also really exciting. I spent more than enough gym classes in my counselor's office trying to figure out how to graduate on time and counting credits.

Despite summer school and feeling a little stressed, this summer leading up to my departure has been amazing. I couldn't manage to find a job (after applying at about 20 places), but I think it's all worked out. I've made a few extra dollars walking my sister's friend's dog (who is currently drooling all over my leg) to go towards my tuition.

OH, and a few days ago, I got my flight itinerary! September 9th, I take a plane from D.C. to JFK in New York. We have a one-night orientation in the city with all of us AFSers, and then depart the next day (September 10th) at 6:00 pm with Swiss airlines. We're landing in Zürich, Switzerland on the 11th, and then it is off to Roma! Our Rome orientation lasts for a few days and we get to meet other Italy inbounds from around the world. After that, I'm taking a train (I think) to meet my host family in Salice Salentino!!

None of this felt real up until now. I have my plane ticket to New York and it just seems so... official! It seemed like yesterday that I was starting to count 100 days, and now I have less than 50 to go. I would leave next week if I could.

So, yup, more posts to come later on. (:

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